Sunrise on 12/26, the quietest morning of the year.
The day after Christmas. One of the quietest mornings of the entire year. It is mixed with all sorts of feelings and emotions. Tired is one of the first words that comes to mind. If your house is like mine then it is in a state of disarray. All bets are off and all rules relaxed on Christmas day. The laundry is backed up, the dishes waited for me this morning and boxes and stuff is just basically laying about, waiting for someone to restore order. Tiny scraps of missed paper and tape stick to the floors. Order may be slow in coming.
I wanted to pause this morning before I set the house back to some semblance of normalcy to say thank you. Cascio's had a very good holiday season. Your patronage can overwhelm us at times, at the Christmas season it comes in a wave (tsunami?) and it can be hard to remember to be grateful when there doesn't feel like enough hours in the day.
But today is the day to pause and tell you all thank you. We don't take your patronage and support lightly. We appreciate you, our customers. We hope our products and services enhanced your holiday and helped you to create the Norman Rockwell type holiday your heart longs for.
To our employees we say thank you. Your dedication and pleasant attitudes helped us make this possible. We are blessed with some of the best folks and we are grateful for their being with us through the long hauls that can be the Christmas season. Thanks to the college students who come back year after year and help make fruit baskets and take hours that allow our full time employees to have a well earned day off in these few days after Christmas.
To our employees we say thank you. Your dedication and pleasant attitudes helped us make this possible. We are blessed with some of the best folks and we are grateful for their being with us through the long hauls that can be the Christmas season. Thanks to the college students who come back year after year and help make fruit baskets and take hours that allow our full time employees to have a well earned day off in these few days after Christmas.
We have been a part of Somerset's landscape since 1918 and we are looking forward to celebrating 100 years of business in a few short years. In the meantime we give thanks for you and hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
God bless us all.
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