I realized as of today I have been totally neglecting my blog. I have a good excuse, really I do.
You see this was probably the busiest most wonderful summer I can remember for a very long time. Because our oldest son Spencer married the love of his life.
Here is where I will share a picture taken of Spencer when he was about six years old.
That is Spencer on the tricycle with his brother Stuart in the wagon and our dog Scarlett. I know the quality of this picture is not great but I feel this picture captures the essence of how our lives were around this time. Typical boy stuff. Spencer would drive his brother and Scarlett around and around and that dog never jumped out of that wagon. I can still see it as if I were looking out my kitchen window.
Then he brought home this girl....and she stayed and stayed and stayed. Soph-seniors, proms, youth group and off to college at Grove City....she stayed. She stayed through thick and thin. She supported him and loved him and....well she was "the one."
Engaged last August
(They allowed me the honor of taking their engagement shots!)
They began immediately planning the wedding!
The date was set for August 4th, 2012. The guest list was huge! We all sweated that a bit (okay more than a bit, but that is what you get when you combine two big families who have lived in one town their entire lives.) The party part was shaping up to be a ton of fun and the ceremony was lovely and meaningful with God at the center of their lives and in their commitment.
A little lighter moment!
So happy!
Don't those smiles say it all?
God Bless You
Jennifer and Spencer Brougher
See why I didn't have time to write a blog? I promise to do better....honestly I will.
(photo credit for wedding shots to Jenn's friend Alex Moore. Amazing Photographer)
Extra note: Spencer is the Youth Director at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church and Jenn is a biology teacher. (okay they both almost are)....they have a to finish a few details at Grove City and then they are home, home home and ready to start their jobs.
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